
Updated April 23, 20244 min read

What is Orientation?

One of the onboarding processes many employers overlook is orientation, which plays a vital role in a company's success and achieving its objectives. New employees need to get familiar with the company, and knowing its goals will enable them to work towards its growth.

What is Orientation

Why Orientation Is Important for New Employees

The relationship between an employee and an employer starts from orientation. It is usually given to employees on their first day in the office. Some employees may be nervous on their first day at work, reducing their productivity. However, their nervousness vanishes through orientation as they will form a relationship with the employer and the workplace. The employer, new employee, and other employees will benefit from the smooth transitioning of newly hired personnel.

The productivity of the newly employed will be optimum when they are aware of their responsibilities in the company and expectations. When a company policy is put in place to ensure that orientation is carried out, every freshly employed will receive similar information and training. New workers need to form a relationship with other employees. This will be possible through orientation since they will get to know one another and their roles.

How to Train New Employees in Your Organization

Starting from the first day at work, welcoming and appreciating new employees will make them productive. Overwhelming newly employed with figures, faces, flowcharts, and facts may be disturbing and makes them feel nervous and thus less effective on their first day at work. All the equipment and tools needed to do their job should be set up and working effectively. Also, they may be new to some tools, so showing them how they work is essential. In addition, the office should be lovely, not dull, and plan a team lunch in which other colleagues will get to meet the employee and relate with one another.

Being in a new environment, providing them with a map of the facilities, where each department is situated, and nearby places to get food are paramount. The employees must understand how the company aims to benefit from their expertise to achieve their goals. Ask them for ideas and suggestions on what to improve in the company and let them know what the company's expectations of them are.

During the first few months, the new employees need to be assigned a mentor who will guide them as they get used to the working environment. The newly employed will form a friendship relationship with the mentor, and they can easily approach their mentors for a way out whenever a problem surfaces.

What Is the Purpose of Orientation?

New employee orientation aims to welcome new employees to the company, communicate vital policy and culture information, and introduce them to their new workplace. The training officers will not have much to do. If properly carried out, a manager will not have to worry much about the productivity of newly employed workers when they get started.

What Is an Orientation Checklist?

When a company formalizes an orientation process that every newly hired employee needs to pass through and when stated in a checklist for every department to access, it is known as an orientation checklist. The checklist will aid compliance, ensuring every newly employed is oriented by introducing them adequately to the company and meeting their colleagues. Also, the productivity of the new hires is enhanced through the checklist.

How Long Should Orientation Last?

The time spent orientating the newly hired employees depends on the company or organization. The level of training required for employees before they can start being productive differs in the industry to which they belong. Generally, three hours is enough to orient new employees; if it is more than that, it should not go beyond an entire word day.

Orientation vs. Onboarding

Some people use orientation and onboarding alternatively; however, technically, they are not the same. The acceptance of the hiring offer of a company by a candidate begins the process of onboarding, which can last many weeks or months. Orientation is under onboarding but only starts on the first day of work when the employee is introduced to how the company works, the objectives, and expectations. Also, orientation does not last more than an entire workday. In contrast, onboarding can go on for months and sometimes until the employee's first year in the company.

Abhishek Kathpal

Abhishek Kathpal

Abhi is the co-founder of Longlist.io, enabling 50+ recruitment businesses build better client and candidate relationships.