Recruiting Database

A recruitment database gives you all the tools you need to run your recruitment business

Trusted by 100+ recruitment agencies

What is a recruiting database?

Recruitment database software is a tool that helps staffing teams manage their candidate database better by storing and organizing candidate information, tracking activities and streamlining communication.

Why do you need a recruitment database?

Are you curious about how recruitment database software can transform your hiring process? We asked our customers why they chose Longlist. Here’s what they had to say:

Why do you need a recruitment database?

5 Key Features to Look for in Recruitment Database Software

1. Centralized Candidate Database

Ensure that the recruiting database offers a secure, organized location to store and access all candidate information.

2. Can parse resumes (without costing extra)

Look for a recruiting database tool that automatically parses full information from resumes and populates the candidate profiles accurately. This feature saves a ton of time on manual data entry and ensures a consistent (and searchable view) for every record.

3. Should be Integrated with email, calendar and calls

Opt for software that lets you manage all communication with candidates directly within the platform. You should be able to send and receive emails, schedule interviews, and set up reminders while maintaining a clear record of all interactions.

4. Has customizable workflows

Choose a recruitment database that allows you to tailor the hiring process to fit the hiring team's interview process. You should be able to create custom interview stages, set specific criteria for each role, and automate manual tasks.

5. Provides real-time analytics and reporting

Select a system that tracks key metrics such as time-to-hire, source effectiveness, and candidate engagement. And it should not cost extra to provide actionable insights to help improve your candidate sourcing strategies.

How does Longlist recruiting database work?

Top recruitment teams are choosing Longlist recruitment database tools to increase placements each quarter. 

All-in-one recruiting database

Longlist's recruiting database software provides all the tools you need to do more placements each quarter

Resume parsing with AI

Automatically parse and enrich candidates using AI powered resume parser and keep your recruiting database fresh

Resume parsing with AI

Activity Timeline

With the entire interaction history in one place, you have the full context each time you speak to the candidate

Activity Timeline

Email Automation

Personalized email followups helps dramatically increase response rates

Email Automation

Click to call

Call candidates directly from the candidate record. Transcribe and automatically capture notes.

Click to call

Longlist recruiting database is a game changer

Don't take our word for it. Top hiring teams are using Longlist to drive more placements.


Higher Response Rate


More Hires


Client NPS


Reduction in Costs team has been a great support to us from the first day of the launch. They understood straight away what a newly formed recruitment business would need and helped me to set up my recruitment processes to create candidate and client leads
Brad Chapman
Brad Chapman
Managing Director, TechSearch360
Our business has gone up a lot, and there are two reasons for that. One – the database that we wereable to build in quick succession allowed us to promptly reach out to candidates and clients. Second, I feel more confident that we have all the new technology for recruitment at our disposal. I could say we have seen more than a 20% increase without any additional overhead.
Chris Byrne
Chris Byrne
Head of Delivery, Marsh RPF
As the founder of TalentSeeker, integrating Longlist has been transformative. It's not just about efficiency gains; it's about empowering our team to make smarter decisions and provide exceptional service to our clients and candidates.
Matthew Edge-Wilkins
Matthew Edge-Wilkins
MD, Talent Seeker
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