Replacement charts

Updated April 23, 20244 min read

What is Replacement charts?

Rapid and erratic business processes are what we are seeing. Moreover, as the labor market becomes more and more competitive, there is a growing need for qualified workers. A flexible staff replacement should be established to maintain the business mechanism despite all the dynamics.

In this article, we will examine the employee replacement chart in HRM, which enables businesses to locate personnel gaps and supports the maintenance of a steady labor reserve.

What is Replacement charts

How Do Replacement Charts Function?

Specific competencies are established for each open position, and people within the company who possess those competencies are subsequently categorized, leading to the identification of potential replacements.

Replacement charts classify workers into the following categories:

  1. Employees that can advance in the workplace

  2. Employees who would be prepared for impending advancements if given more training.

  3. Employees needing motivation and improvement despite putting forth a respectable effort

  4. Employees who need to be replaced.

A comparison between the experience and skill sets of the likely candidates and those required for the position is then made. The organization will be able to structure its succession planning and determine internal KSAs as a result (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities).

What Distinguishes Succession Planning from Replacement Planning

Typically, businesses conflate replacement planning with succession planning. Replacement planning is concerned with meeting the requirements of a specific significant post. Employee talent development receives less attention because it is more of a response to urgency. To respond quickly in the case of a talent loss that occurs suddenly, succession planning looks ahead and builds strong "stocks" of potential successor candidates.

The following is a summary of the main distinctions between replacement and succession planning:

  1. Planning Differences

  2. Integration Differences

  3. Decision-Making Differences

  4. Outcome Differences

Abhishek Kathpal

Abhishek Kathpal

Abhi is the co-founder of, enabling 50+ recruitment businesses build better client and candidate relationships.