What is Social Media Background Screening?

By Abhishek Kathpal | Updated 22 July, 2022

Background checks are par for the course when a job seeker applies. No company wants to pay the price of negligence in this regard. However, criminal checks are the most popular screening procedure. The social media equivalent is not as popular. Still, employers are starting to catch on that social media background checks could be useful insights into applicants' personalities.

What is Social Media Background Screening

Social Media Background Screening meaning and definition

Social media background screening is the process by which companies analyze the social media activity of potential employees. If it sounds dirty, that's because it could be. However, procedures are taken to ensure neutrality when information from such checks filters in. For one, companies use the screening results at the tail end of the hiring process when skills, experience, and other critical elements of effectiveness have been factored in.

What type of information do social media checks look out for?

  1. Potentially violent content (self-harm, threats, violent images, etc.)

  2. Potentially illegal content (drugs, etc.)

  3. Sexually explicit content (explicit images and text, etc.)

  4. Racist or intolerant content (bullying, toxic language, hate speech, etc.)

Benefits of Social Media Background Screening

  1. It can help determine the personality types and traits of employees/candidates

  2. It can be a helpful tool in assessing the cultural fit of a potential employee

  3. It can provide insight into the people skills of employees/candidates

About the Author

Abhishek Kathpal

Abhi is the co-founder at Longlist.io. Funded by US based OnDeck, Longlist is currently enabling 50+ businesses to increase their candidate and client reach outs, automating the workflow across stages.