22 Free Chrome Extensions for Recruiters in 2023

Updated May 3, 202411 min read

Recruiters can use chrome extensions to write better job descriptions, improve their sourcing efforts, automating repetitive tasks, streamline workflow (for e.g adding candidates to CRM/ATS), and get quick access to data for e.g emails and phone numbers of candidates.


The biggest advantage of browser extensions is that you don’t have to go through a lengthy integration process to start using them. They are available right in the browser!

We have created a list of free extensions that you can start using today. Let dive in:

Contact Data Finders

Contact data i.e email addresses and phone numbers, is most important for recruiters because it allows them to directly reach out to potential job candidates. Without a direct email or phone numbers, recruiters would have to rely on other methods of communication, such as InMails or job boards which are typically more expensive.

Having the correct email also allows recruiters to personalize their outreach efforts and engage passive candidates, which are typically 75% of the job market at any given time. So the most important category of extensions for recruiters are the contact data finders. If they have the ability to send personalized email campaigns (for e.g Longlist) then it's a +1 because you don't have to copy and paste the email from the extension into your inbox.



While Lusha is built for salespeople, recruiters can also use the Lusha extension to find contact information of candidates. It can be used to find email addresses, phone numbers, and social media profiles for individuals based on their name and company. Lusha website can also be used to verify the accuracy of contact information that a recruiter already has, helping to ensure that they are reaching out to the right person.

The free plan gives 5 credits a month and paid plans start at $348/user and they only offer annual plans on the website.

Contact Out


Similar to Lusha, ContactOut also offers a linkedin extension that allows recruiters to find contact information for potential candidates directly from their LinkedIn profiles. This can save recruiters time and effort as they don't need to leave the LinkedIn platform when sourcing for candidates. From their website, they find the contact details using machine learning algorithms and guess the email based on candidate's current company or title.

The free plan provides 40 credits a month and paid plans start at $29 / month.

Prophet Chrome Extension


While the prophet chrome extension is hard to find these days (since its not available on the chrome platform anymore), its a recruitment software tool that allows users to view and analyze data on LinkedIn profiles. It is designed for sales and recruiting professionals. The extension allows users to view information such as employment history, education, and skills directly on LinkedIn profiles, and also offers a feature that predicts the likelihood of someone changing jobs, which can be useful for recruiters in identifying potential candidates.

Sourcing Addons

Mighty Sourcer


Amazing Hiring


Automation Extensions for Recruiters



Hiretual Chrome Extension




Better Writing



As a recruiter, most of your time goes into writing emails to candidates and clients, reviewing job descriptions and rolling out offer letters. Professional ghostwriting services can alleviate the burden of writing-intensive tasks, ensuring error-free content, as exemplified by the use of the Grammarly extension to enhance the quality of your written communication. The biggest benefit is that it increase the chances of getting a positive response from potential candidates, and create a better overall impression of the company. The Grammarly chrome extension checks real time for spelling errors, punctuation and grammar as you type so that you can correct the errors before hitting the send button.

Its a free extension and paid plans available for pro users.

Sideways Dictionary




Glossary Tech




Calendly helps recruiters to create and share a personalized calendar link with candidates and hiring managers. You can use this link in our email campaigns with longlist and candidates can directly book time on your calendar without the back and forth to schedule interviews and phone screens.


Protip: Add the calendly link in your signature so that it's automatically added to your outgoing emails!

Social Media

An average person today spends 6 hours, 53 minutes online per day.

It's important for recruiters to be active on social media since it gives a human face to the company, helps build better relationships with candidates and actually reducing interview drop-offs.

Posting on social media is a art however and here are list of few softwares which make it choose just the right time to post and build your audience.








One Tab


✋ Raise your hand if you have 25+ tabs open on your browser at all times. With Google become more resource intensive with each passing day, One Tab chrome extension comes to the rescue with a simple way to reduce upto 95% of memory used by chrome. It does this by simply converting all tabs into a list and when you need it again, you can simply reactivate with the help of the extension. The extension has more than 2 million users and is one of the popular extensions on the chrome web store.

Last Pass


LastPass is a must have just because there are so many websites that a recruiters has to visit everyday for e.g linkedin, job boards, hrms systems, ats systems etc. Last Pass extension simply remembers the passwords on you behalf (and stores in securely) so that you can login with 1-click.