Librarian Job Description Template

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Librarian Job Description Template

What is a Librarian?

Librarians are responsible for managing library resources, assisting patrons with finding information, organizing and cataloging materials, and planning educational programs. They ensure that library users have access to a wide range of information and resources.

Librarians typically need a master's degree in library science. They should also have strong organizational and communication skills.

Librarian Job Description Template

Job Brief

We are looking for an experienced librarian with a passion for learning and books to join our team.

You’ll ensure that the library runs smoothly on a daily basis, and all patrons are happy with our services. Also, some important librarian tasks you’ll undertake include developing, organizing, and updating library records.

To do this job, you’ll need to be a people person, since you’ll regularly interact with patrons and other library employees. Endurance and patience is also a must, as you’ll often handle multiple duties at the same time, for instance, showing people how to use the resources database or updating the information system.

If you fit this description and you’re also adept in shushing noisy patrons, we’d like to hear from you.


  • Oversee the library to ensure cleanliness, order, and protection of the library’s resources 
  • Develop and organize library inventory (e.g. with books, collections, periodicals, multimedia, etc.)
  • Conduct regular checks and updates on database information
  • Help patrons research reading materials and references
  • Answer patrons’ questions via phone or email
  • Publish and update content on the library’s website (e.g. book summaries, reviews, blog, etc.)
  • Research and implement new information system techniques
  • Organize activities and promotional events (e.g. children’s storytelling, author readings, book sales, etc.)
  • Manage library budgeting and billing for new equipment
  • Supervise library assistants and other staff


  • Previous experience as a librarian
  • Experience using computers and working with electronic databases
  • Familiarity with information management systems
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Effective communication 
  • Ability to multitask
  • A patient and friendly personality
  • A degree in Library Science; a Master’s in Library Science or Information Management is a plus

What does Librarian do?

A librarian carries out a wide range of tasks on a day-to-day basis, including:

  1. Assisting patrons: Librarians help library users find books, research materials, and provide information on various topics. They answer questions, give recommendations, and guide users in using library resources effectively.

  2. Collection development: Librarians select and acquire books, journals, digital resources, and other materials for the library's collection, ensuring they meet the needs and interests of the community. They may also weed out outdated or underused items.

  3. Cataloging and organizing materials: Librarians catalog and classify new library materials, assigning them call numbers and entering information into the library's database. They ensure materials are correctly organized on shelves to facilitate easy access.

  4. Reference services: Librarians provide reference assistance to patrons through various means, such as in-person consultations, email, chat, or phone. They help users locate information, use databases, utilize search strategies, and evaluate sources for credibility.

  5. Library programs: Librarians plan and organize various programs, such as book clubs, author talks, lectures, workshops, and children's storytimes, to engage and educate library users of all ages.

  6. Information literacy instruction: Librarians teach users how to effectively access, evaluate, and use information. They may conduct workshops or one-on-one sessions on research strategies, citation styles, database usage, and critical thinking.

  7. Technical services: Some librarians work in technical services, focusing on tasks like cataloging, ordering materials, processing interlibrary loans, or managing electronic resources.

  8. Administrative tasks: Librarians often handle administrative duties, such as budgeting, staff supervision, policy development, strategic planning, and library promotion. They may collaborate with other departments or community organizations.

  9. Professional development: Librarians stay updated with current research, trends, and technologies in the field by attending conferences, workshops, and training sessions. They might also engage in research or publish articles to contribute to the library profession.

It's important to note that the exact tasks and responsibilities of librarians can vary depending on the type of library (academic, public, special, etc.) and the specific position within the library.

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